Sunday Star-Times

Test your knowledge


Quizmaster Wayne Mills has supplied a handful of sample questions. So test yourself: are you as well-read as an 11-year-old?

1: What are the final two words of this verse from Lawrence Binyon’s For The Fallen? They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will _____ ________

2: Who is the world’s greatest flying pig? She ran away from the circus to nanny the Green children – Derrick, Samantha and Michael.

3: Gringotts, the bank in the Harry Potter series, issued gold coins, silver coins and bronze coins. By what names were the three coins known?

4: Loki took a branch, sharpened it and helped Hod throw it javelin like at Odin’s favourite son Baldur. It pierced him in the chest and he died. From which kind of tree did the branch come?

5: April was not wanted as a baby and was placed in an unusual container. The unusual container provides the name of a book by Jacqueline Wilson. Name it.

6: What Australian animal from outer space would rip your face off in a humorous book by Andy Griffiths?

7: Timmy Failure is the CEO of a detective agency. His partner is an animal called Total. What type of animal is Total?

8: Rangi and Papa had eight sons but the young men could never walk because Earth and Sky were so close together. Each son tried, in turn, to separate his parents. Only one son could do it. Who was this son?

9: What was the name of the kingdom where the Elves lived at the foot of the Misty Mountains? Bilbo found refuge there in The Hobbit, as did the Fellowship of the Ring.

10: Who very much wanted to be his school’s cartoonist but was beaten to the position by his best friend Rowley?

ANSWERS: 1: ‘‘remember them’’. 2: Nanny Piggins. 3: Galleons, sickles and knuts. 4: Mistletoe. 5: Dustbin Baby. 6: A koala; the book is Killer Koalas From Outer Space. 7: A polar bear. 8: Tane Mahuta. 9: Rivendell. 10: Greg Heffley, in Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

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