Sunday Star-Times

#Ask Jaquie

Social media blocks the wrong people, says

- Jaquie Brown.

Groan. I sneezed my flu germs all over my computer screen just after spotting the latest post from Claire, who’s drinking champagne at another party.

I don’t get why she has to have so much fun all the time, it can’t be healthy. I see Lucy and Mark are topping up their tans in Bali. They deserve a break, after all it did rain on two of the 12 days they were in Fiji last month. And to top off my morning, there’s Steve being a blinding success with everything he ever does, again. No kids, no responsibi­lities.

I get it guys, you all have amazing lives but it’s winter and your updates are making me feel like a soggy underachie­ver. Some days I just want to go on a social media rampage and post ‘‘Shut up with your annoying life’’ under everything. Ha. Imagine.

Comedian Louis C.K. quit social media last year because he says it made him feel bad. I get it. If only social media could read my mind and block things that will bring me down. I wonder if censorship like that a good idea. Perhaps that power might go to its head. In fact, I think it already has.

Australian blogger, mum of four and wild, tattooed freedom pixie Constance Hall is on my radar this week

Her blog is probably the most genuine account of motherhood you’ll read. She aims to strip back all inhibition­s and really expose herself in her posts. She says, ‘‘I’m a mum and wife. It sux. I’ve never been happier and never been more miserable in my life’’.

I’m laughing with her, I’m crying with her.

She’s not wrong about being exposed. The last picture I saw of her, she was nude on the loo, after having just had a spray tan. She’s my spirit animal.

One of her quests is to celebrate the post-baby body. She posts pictures of hers without a scrap of shame, just glory. That’s to be applauded.

So this week, when Facebook and Instagram took down one of those pictures, there was outrage. In her own words it went ‘‘as viral as herpes’’.

Ashton Kutcher even featured her on his website.

Social media decided it wasn’t appropriat­e for public viewing, there were lots of theories about it and criticism thrown at her. She was mum-shamed for her parenting and for letting her daughter appear in the background with no top on. From where I’m standing, her intentions were pure, social media you big dork.

My solution: Just block pictures of people who make us feel bad when we have colds and it’s winter. People on holiday or doing really well all the time.

Don’t block a woman who is proud of her body and wants to encourage other women to feel the same.

I get it guys, you all have amazing lives but it's winter and your updates are making me feel like a soggy underachie­ver.

 ??  ??

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