Sunday Star-Times

The deep blue Sea compels Manchester by the Sea (R13)


137 mins Director Kenneth Lonergan (Margaret, You Can Count on Me) is a man of little flash and many words, but his words create extraordin­arily powerful stories of ordinary people grappling with the sort of tragedies that could befall any of us.

His third directoria­l outing (nominated for a Golden Globe and expected to be lauded at the forthcomin­g Academy Awards) profiles the lonely Lee, an incredibly closed and sad-looking man who returns reluctantl­y to the titular coastal town to deal with family affairs. Through his interactio­ns with relatives and people from his past, Globe winner Casey Affleck paints Lee as a portrait of deep pain and enforced isolation who is difficult to like; his unorthodox response to grief non-plusses those around him, with his only physical respite coming in spurts of selfflagel­lating pub violence.

It’s very much a film about people, and Lonergan’s forte is in getting jawdroppin­g performanc­es from his uniformly excellent cast. This includes Affleck (who has won every award he’s been nominated for so far), the incomparab­le Michelle Williams whose small role delivers one of the most heartrendi­ng scenes, and a terrifical­ly assured young Lucas Hedges as Lee’s ostensibly orphaned nephew.

Meanwhile, the supporting cast members are so natural you’d think they were locals plucked straight out of a seafood diner in Massachuse­tts. With Lonergan’s unassuming camerawork often opting for long-distance over close-ups, the viewer is thus left to be drawn into Lee’s unspoken but clearly tortured existence through the magnetism of performanc­e. But having said the writer-director is all about words, Lonergan’s script frequently says more with silence than with dialogue. Affleck is captivatin­g in his awkward stillness and it is only through flashbacks to chattier, huggier times that we get a sense of the man who used to inhabit this cracked shell.

Although there are some terrific, surprising moments of levity and black humour between uncle and nephew, the most significan­t plot points are handled wordlessly, undercover of beautiful, swooning classical music.

Manchester by the Sea is a story of life’s ordinary tragedy, conveyed with extraordin­ary effect. - Sarah Watt

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Casey Affleck captivates.
SUPPLIED Casey Affleck captivates.

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