Sunday Star-Times

Pick of the bunch


Which rice is better for you?

A staple for more than half the world’s population, rice is also an everyday food for many New Zealanders.

But are some varieties better than others for health? We compared three common types – white long grain, basmati and brown.

Nutrition comment

Rice is a grain. Each unpolished grain has a protective husk called the bran, and a germ, from which a young seedling grows. Rice can be classified in several ways:

black or brown rice are whole grains with bran and germ intact, while white (polished) versions have these removed. The bran and germ are rich in nutrients (B vitamins, magnesium and fibre in particular), making black, brown or wild rice nutritiona­lly superior to white rice, which is little more than pure starch. long, medium or short grain. basmati, jasmine and Arborio are common examples, each with unique characteri­stics. Brown versions of these are best nutritiona­lly but white basmati deserves a mention because it is much slower to digest than the other white rice varieties. Being less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar, it the best white rice for people with diabetes or those watching their weight.

Wholegrain or polished: By shape: By variety: Bottom line

Choose brown or black rice most often. If using white rice, basmati is the best choice.

Products are tested by NZ Registered nutritioni­st Bronwen King and a diverse, randomly selected group.

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