Taranaki Daily News

Do you really need to use toner?


For as long as I can remember, the debate for and against toner has raged. I am a non-toner person myself as the mere thought of adding any extra steps to my pareddown, three-step, skin care routine of double cleansing, serum and moisturise­r with SPF50 for day, plus night cream in the evening, is enough to send me into orbit.

One expert who agrees with me is facialist supremo Melanie Grant, who says: ‘‘I prefer to keep skin care regimes simple and believe that cleansers perform well enough these days to sufficient­ly remove make-up, oil, dirt and debris from the skin without leaving any residue, therefore a toner is an unnecessar­y step.

‘‘I recommend spritzing a hydrating mist over the skin after cleansing to soften, rebalance and prepare the skin for serums and moisturise­r.’’ (Try Sisley Floral Hydrating Mist.)

Make-up guru Bobbi Brown holds the middle ground. She says in her book Bobby Brown Beauty: ‘‘Often sold as a must-use step, toners are truly optional. If skin feels too oily or you’re wearing a lot of make-up, a toner can clean away anything your cleanser has left behind. The newest formulas are alcohol-free and don’t strip skin of its necessary oils.’’

Then there is the argument for toner as a second tier to the cleansing process. Toners can help remove excess oil and exfoliate dead skin cells and the new breed contains exfoliatin­g agents like beta and alpha hydroxy acids to help exfoliate acne-prone skin, antioxidan­ts, vitamins, witch hazel, and aloe vera. A word of warning though: avoid alcohol-based toners are they are very drying.

So are you confused yet?

Last word: toners are not essential but they may help those with excessivel­y oily, congested skin. As with so much relating to beauty, if it works for you, embrace it.

GETTING THE TONER RIGHT ❚ For acne try DermaClear Clarifying Wipes ❚ To balance pH levels in the skin try Clarins Toning Lotion Without Alcohol ❚ To remove excess oil try Fresh Umbrian Clay Purifying Facial Toner ❚ For sensitive skin try Aesop B & Tea Balancing Toner

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