Taranaki Daily News

Auckland just what Foran needed


Kieran Foran says he’s been able to find himself again back in Auckland after a tumultuous year in Sydney.

The Kiwis first-five spoke to the media on Wednesday for the first time since his life went off the rails while at the Eels last year and although there were plenty of subjects he didn’t want to discuss, he said it’s been good for him to get away from the pressures of being a high profile footy player in Sydney.

‘‘It’s been refreshing,’’ said Foran, who left Auckland when still at primary school.

‘‘I didn’t think it would happen. I’d been in Sydney for so long I never envisaged myself coming back to live in Auckland.

‘‘But as circumstan­ces had it, it presented an opportunit­y. Although it’s been difficult being away from my two young kids back in Sydney, it’s what I needed.

‘‘I’ve really enjoyed the pace of Auckland again, it’s not as big as Sydney.

‘‘It’s a bit more slow paced. I’ve got a lot of extended family and it’s been nice to get back to my roots and what made me happy as a kid, just finding myself again.’’

Foran, 26, was supposed to make his Warriors debut against the Dragons last weekend but had to pull out just minutes before the game was about to begin, with a hamstring strain.

He’s been named to start in Sunday’s fixture against the Titans at Mt Smart Stadium but said it won’t be until Saturday when he know if he’s over his minor injury.

‘‘I’m going to give myself every chance, right up to the captain’s run,’’ he said.

‘‘I felt a twinge up high on the hamstring in the warmup before the game, so the smart decision was not to play.

‘‘I felt like I would have done more damage to it and be out for several weeks, so I made the call with the coaches not to play and to try to get myself right for this game.

‘‘If it’s not this game, hopefully it will be the week later.’’

Given all the hype around his return after 10 months out, it extraordin­ary to see him have his comeback delayed in such a fashion.

‘‘Just disbelief,’’ he said of his feelings at the time.

‘‘I’d spent so long rehabbing my shoulder and getting that part of my body right.

‘‘I’d had no problem with my hamstring all season and I’d done a ton of running and to get it in a warm up, where I wasn’t doing any exploding or anything too fast, I just couldn’t believe it.’’

The Warriors have lost their last three games and could certainly do with a player of Foran’s quality in their side but he has cautioned Warriors fans not to expect miracles.

‘‘I just want to find my feet again,’’ he said.

‘‘I’m not coming out to try to set the world on fire.

‘‘I want to get back to where I was, but it will take time, I’ve had a few injuries and spent a while on the sidelines.

‘‘It’ll take time to find that continuity again, but I’m really enjoying just being here with the players and training.’’

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Kieran Foran

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