Taranaki Daily News




1. Brief and concise cuts made by CinC (8)

7. To be a motorist and plunge right in (5)

8. A strip of buttered toast for the armed man (7)

9. Snuggled down in den, lest it be disturbed (7)

10. Otherwise Cupid rose out of it (4)

12. Clap, and make such a noise about it! (7)

14. Telepathic, the way spy turns elegant and fashionabl­e (7)

17. Shoots back, and will not go on (4)

18. It’s not like us to hum in an awkward way (7)

21. Age of wine and gin a vet can work out (7)

22. Wrote about building of London (5)

23. Agreed to see stand put out for it (8)


1. Way of doing manuscript­s yet to be devised (6)

2. Speaking together, you’ll get French chicken carved up (8)

3. I have a repeat call for a musical bird (4)

4. Blow into this ice cream and get notes out of it (6)

5. Dispositio­n of one’s effects shall be a substitute for it (4)

6. He makes advances when one’s willowy and topless (6)

7. An argument I’d set up like this (7)

11. One plotting perhaps cheers about Monsieur (7)

13. Draw attention away from start CID made (8)

14. Block of column Poet Laureate might give hint of (6)

15. A painting a boat can win by (6)

16. In the wrong pad writer may add it (6)

19. Cry from first hound to get the bird (4)

20. At one time a sergeant, say, turned east (4)

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