Taranaki Daily News




1. Soft soap it could be treat for insect to consume (8)

7. Woo those around the monarch (5)

8. Be in contest when full, and get left out (7)

9. Was critical of the way one sought admittance (7)

10. It joins a surveyors’ unit (4)

12. In being led around, the breeze will die away (7)

14. One plotting to make me hers when about a hundred (7)

17. Some ground for taking care of it (4)

18. Floor-show, the sort of act in which one’s naked (7)

21. If caught, leave in reverse holding a penny (7)

22. Self-possession may be a sensitive point (5)

23. Delay of execution ever ripe for sorting out (8)


1. It’s easy to say it’s mentally weak (6)

2. Reprove one on his mad turnabout (8)

3. Come across an upset and it will pour with rain (4)

4. Smelled some free kedgeree on offer (6)

5. Take in a piece of material a schoolboy will enjoy eating (4)

6. Dog set out with a heavy diet (6)

7. Triumphing over a bird in top of gorse (7)

11. Dunk one in liquid and simmer, stirring, on end of stove (7)

13. A follower is policed, but nothing is found missing (8)

14. The moment he goes to the support of a fighter (6)

15. Snake’s tail-rings will irritate one (6)

16. Deputy Lieutenant in deep trouble may deal in drugs (6)

19. In Scotland some water may burst into flames (4)

20. Two of a kind one met in a knock-up (4)

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