Taranaki Daily News




1. 8. 9. 11. Rude Brave At Passive this way way point about in for a which one man the to will our rent end join cot one trip is the used (8) used Sappers for (12) it (5) (4)

12. 13. Pretentiou­s It used to be and a pledge vulgar for way fruit it puts or marijuana rat out (7) (4)

15. A new way to put one on solids (4)

19. What the weather’s like, etc, around Peruvian capital (7)

20. The second William to give us rugby union around February

1 (5)

22. One swears it will be a hot ensemble (4)

23. At which to pray to die pure, one being involved in it (4-4)

24. Where to put ashore and get a sling for it (7-5)


2. 3. 4. Fibre Make In endless one a fuss can queue about let the it a could Mediterran­ean first nine be nothing supply island like (5) it (6) (6)

5. Nothing to repeat perhaps, so work in the theatre (7)

6. Chinese dish for pudding, as round as can be (5-3-4)

7. Here the students are up to being taught (6-6)

10. Habit the English have: first, it’s American (3)

14. Let sign be put out, and it will shine in the wet (7)

16. A witty fellow who won’t quite go to war (3)

17. One’s tongue may be a source of irritation (3,3)

18. Silver for the rent Georgia put out (6)

21. Throw it for full enjoyment of pleasure (5)

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: Across 1. Static 8. Noise 9. Provost

11. Trumpery 12. Share 15. Lass 16. Spy 17. Anew 19. Edify 21. Consider

24. Revival 25. Eider 26. Others

Down 2. Torch 3. Tovarish 4. Cast 5. Gnome 6. File 7. Deny 10. Trumpeter

12. Sole 13. Sandwich 14. Sway 18. Mitre 20. Flair 21. Clef 22. Node

23. Redo

 ??  ??

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