Taranaki Daily News

Plenty of up sides to getting upside down


My Instagram feed is filled with fit people doing handstands. Some say they are good for blood flow, I have also read they make your brain work better and can even make you younger. Are people just trying to look cool, or are there some benefits? Should I add handstand to my list of 2018 goals? And if so, how do I go about success?

Everyone seems to be doing handstands these days and aside from being fun, there’s lots of good reasons to do them.

Benefits include:

❚ Stress reduction: increasing blood flow to the brain has a calming effect and can help relieve short term stress and depression.

❚ Increased strength: you need to be strong to hold yourself upside down. Practising handstands will increase upper body, core and wrist strength.

❚ Improved spatial awareness: you’ll get a new view of the world from a handstand, helping to develop your spatial awareness.

❚ Improved co-ordination, stability and balance: challengin­g your body by holding different positions forces new neural pathway formation, encouragin­g coordinati­on and control between different body parts to keep your balance, build strength and stability, especially through the shoulder complex.

❚ Endocrine system stimulatio­n: inversions increase blood flow to the pituitary gland, thyroid and adrenal glands to stimulate function and influence metabolism and hormone production. Before you go throwing yourself upside down – a few words on safety. Ensure you have a safe place to practise, a landing spot where you won’t bump into anything and an experience­d spotter to help or a wall to practise against.

Do not attempt handstands (or headstands) if:

❚ You’re pregnant or menstruati­ng.

❚ You have high blood pressure, a heart condition, glaucoma or an ear infection.

❚ You suffer from neck, shoulder or back conditions, headaches or carpal tunnel syndrome.

❚ You have difficulty raising your arms directly overhead without excessive extension in the lower back (in this case, a registered exercise profession­al may be able to help you improve mobility and flexibilit­y). Getting good at handstands takes practice. Don’t expect it to be a quick journey – this is a skill that needs consistent work and can take months or years.

It’s best to start with a wallfacing handstand.

1. Start with your back to the wall and place your hands on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Walk your feet up the wall so you’re facing the wall upside down and hold your body straight. Walk your hands towards the wall (you’ll find a place that feels good for you).

2. Once in position, spread your fingers out, ensuring your hands about shoulder width apart and fingers are pointed forwards. Press into the ground with your fingertips, lock your elbows and push through your arms. Your shoulders should be by your ears. Squeeze your butt and legs, engage the abs (try not to let your lower back arch) and point your toes.

3. Remember to breathe!

4. Work up to holding for one minute then start moving your hands closer to the wall until you’re completely straight and you can hold that for a further minute.

5. Ensure you save enough strength to walk safely out from your handstand once you’ve finished.

6. Progress to a handstand facing away from the wall and then to freestandi­ng.

7. Avoid going straight to walking handstands, these often encourage excessive lower back arch and don’t encourage core stability.

Just as with any other new practice, take your time, ensure you have adequate recovery between sessions and don’t over do it.

 ??  ?? Spending some time upside down can reduce stress, increase strength and improve co-ordination, stability and balance.
Spending some time upside down can reduce stress, increase strength and improve co-ordination, stability and balance.
 ??  ??

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