Taranaki Daily News




1. Remains (7)

5. Cinders (5)

8. Impossible to control or keep down (13)

9. Perceive (3)

10. Passing references (9)

12. Small fact (6)

13. Harmony (6)

15. Small change (5,4)

16. Cooktop (3)

18. To be unscrupulo­us (4,2,7)

20. Dark-skinned (5)

21. Unsafe, unsteady (7) DOWN

1. Rubble (5)

2. Stealthy (13)

3. Perversion (9)

4. Smoothly (6)

5. Fool (3)

6. Option of taking what is offered or having nothing (7,6)

7. Cowboy hat (7)

11. Man-made (9)

12. Ousted (7)

14. Gather (6)

17. Evil or mischievou­s spirit (5)

19. Some, or all (3)

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: Across 1. Site 3. Annually 9. Bonanza

10. Inter 11. Eat humble pie 13. Taming 15. At rest 17. Untruthful­ly

20. Throb 21. Feel for 22. Mildewed 23. Pyre

Down 1. Subjects 2. Tenet 4. Nearby 5. Unidentifi­ed 6. Lattice

7. Yard 8. Invulnerab­le 12. Stay true 14. Mongrel 16. Stifle 18. Lofty

19. Stem

 ??  ??

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