Taranaki Daily News




1. Sudden break to a show of speed (5)

4. A dirigible one lodged in a different parish (7)

8. The runner’s pain that eventually saved nine (1,6,2,4)

10. Turn on gin mixture he is about to have (5)

11. Is the possessor of a sort of snow (4)

12. It is one player’s turn to propose the motion (4)

16. With something left, time is not hidden (5)

17. Careful thought given to the recompense (13)

19. He is for thorough reform of the primary (7)

20. Terrible fear of doctor removing top of head (5)


1. Naval holder of warrant will put the subsidiary business right (6-7)

2. Car will need this rubbish as encouragem­ent to the donkey (3)

3. Is irritable about how one got lost in the City (6)

4. Is hurting the church in making gain (6)

5. He will smuggle a strip of embroidere­d cloth (6)

6. They are handed down in order to hire out weaving machinery (9)

7. Peter, reminded of how it was settled in advance (13)

9. Dance in to show how it is held within (9)

13. Acid, short ounce of which is used for twelve houses (6)

14. Lay bare the side surface of the recess (6)

15. One may need a bit of rope to run aground (6)

18. Reserve of diamonds (3)

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