Taupo Times

Renters need to get to the ballot boxes


For many renters in town the local body elections are just a creative way to decorate the streets with billboards. With the right blinkers, those billboards are also easy enough to ignore.

Whether you are a seasonal worker, just here for the summer or never had an interest in politics, one thing that cannot be ignored is the impact a local body council will have on your life whether you like it or not.

They are called rates. It is the council’s income and is paid by homeowners, and by renters via rental price. The more expensive the rates, the higher your rent bill. They go up, it goes up. If a council is wasteful with their money those rates may go up to cover costs. So it pays to have a council running a good bookbalanc­ing act.

It is not too late to vote. At the council office staff can help fill out a special vote if not enrolled. The same staff will give you a handy little booklet with informatio­n about each candidate so you can pick your favourite, or just the one with the best billboard. Whatever your method having your say is important. Because if you don’t you won’t be able to whinge when the rates go up.

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