Taupo Times

Kumar, Kindness take on length of NZ


He’s a man on a mission and his latest one will see him pedal his way across New Zealand - with a stopover in Taupo - to raise awareness about child traffickin­g.

Naresh Kumar first made headlines in 2014 when he walked the length of New Zealand from Cape Reinga to Bluff, in sandals specially designed for running.

Now, Kumar is pedalling the 3000km on a tandem bike which he said combines the simplicity of biking with the fun twist of riding a tandem bike.

‘‘This is something I can do to spread the word about the 21 million slaves around the world and the girls who are coerced into working in brothels, and raise some money to help them,’’

He plans to pick up people along the way to fill the spare seat.

‘‘I’ll be inviting random strangers and friends to take up the rear seat and help pedal for a cause,’’ he said.

‘‘During the ride, I will be listening to their stories and sharing about the campaign.

‘‘My goal is to connect with people at a more meaningful level and sharing about these young children who do not have freedom, a story that would make people care.’’

Kumar took off from Cape Reinga yesterday on his tandem bike he has named Kindness and plans to be in Taupo next week sometime - preferably before the weekend.

While here, he hopes to speak to people to help raise awareness on an issue that is close to his heart - traffickin­g.

‘‘I don’t have plans just yet on where I will be speaking but if anyone is interestin­g in hearing what I have to say, I’d be more than happy to share,’’ he said.

Kumar is hoping to speak at schools, universiti­es, churches and libraries to raise awareness about traffickin­g and encouragin­g others to fight and do their part.

‘‘I want to talk to as many people as possible. Then I will invite them for a ride, to have a pedal on the bike,’’ he said.

‘‘It will be me, them and Kindness.’’

Kumar has a goal of raising $20,000 and so far he has already raised $3300 before even starting on his journey.

Being a road cyclist, Kumar said taking on the tandem bike has been an adjustment but ones he’s adapted to quickly.

Anyone willing to host Kumar can contact him on 029 127 5547.

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Naresh Kumar has started his 3000km journey - pedaling the length of New Zealand on a tandem bike and will be in Taupo next week
SUPPLIED Naresh Kumar has started his 3000km journey - pedaling the length of New Zealand on a tandem bike and will be in Taupo next week
 ??  ??

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