Te Awamutu Courier

Pirongia netballers on fire

- BY COLIN THORSEN Competitio­n leaders, Tony Fabish Panelworks Kihikihi Prems again flexed their muscle, romping to a 77-29 win over COGS United, scoring 40 goals in the 30 minutes after halftime. Points standings, not including last night’s results, with o

Ray White Pirongia Premier netball team rebounded from their 10 goal loss to RSN with an emphatic 50-29 win over last year’s champions Fraser Tech.

Pirongia led 12-9 after 15 minutes, 23-16 at halftime and 39-24 at three-quarter time at ASB Stadium at Te Awamutu Events Centre.

Most interest centred on the crucial game between TAC Premier and TAS Ecolab who were playing to stay in the Paper Plus Te Awamutu Netball Centre premier grade for the championsh­ip round.

Both teams played tactical quarters which made for an exciting game.

The College students won the first quarter 12-8 and the second 15-minute period 8-7 for a 20-15 halftime cushion. The crucial third quarter was a tight affair won 12-11 by TAC Premier. However, TAS Ecolab were unable to stop the flow that TAC Premiers built in the final quarter.

RSN were always in charge of their game against Bulklines Wallace Wasps, winning 59-23. Although well beaten, Wallace Wasps continue to grow with confidence and skill as the season progresses, as shown by restrictin­g their higher ranked opponents to 27-18 at halftime.

Edmonds Judd’s Lucy Sim is a runaway early leader with a 100 per cent success rate after week two in Te Awamutu Courier ‘Our Panel’s Picks’ ANZ Netball competitio­n.

Sim’s followed up her 4/4 winners in week one with 3/3 this week.

Her nearest rivals are Bernie Marshall (McDonald’s Family Restaurant) and Gwen Matchitt (Te Awamutu Netball) both on 71 per cent with 5/7.


Former Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic netball coach Noeline Taurua is being touted as the next Silver Ferns coach.

Taurua, whose Magic teams often played and trained at ASB Stadium in Te Awamutu, is held in the highest regard both sides of the Tasman.

The former Silver Fern coached Magic to success in the former ANZ championsh­ip between the two countries and has subsequent­ly coached her Sunshine Coast Lightning netball franchise to victory in the Australian national competitio­n.

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