The Post

Safe pair of hands


Vale John Key. The Economist , after listing nine internatio­nal league tables covering happiness, healthines­s, anti-corruption, democracy, freedom and prosperity in which New Zealand sits at or near first place, describes Key as one of New Zealand’s most respected leaders, under whose stewardshi­p we can claim to be one of the most successful countries in the world and a haven of prosperity and stability. What a a great pity to see you go.

Of course the rag tag bunch who make up the Opposition will bang on about supposed poverty, inequality and housing prices, mainly because there’s nothing else they can attack, but if any of those factors have deteriorat­ed as Key’s Government has steered us through the most challengin­g world economic meltdown since the Great Depression, just imagine how much worse things would be if the unholy alliance of Labour, Greens and NZ First had been running the show. JOHN DENTON


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