The Post

Capital chatter



Have a new morning routine now: – Go to gym – Go to harbour – Look at awesome view – Be disappoint­ed because awesome view doesn’t include whale.


Wellington’s new favourite game Where’s Whaley?


Best I can tell we’re about 5 years away from every store in Wellington being a vape store.


So I knew about @BoomerangB­agsNZ but didn’t know about #boomerangm­ugs until I grabbed a coffee at Vic Books this morning. If you forget your Keep Cup, they can hook you

up with a good old-fashioned mug. Good on ya Wellington, love all these sustainabl­e options :) #plasticfre­e


It’s too early in the morning to watch a clown getting in his car. And yet here we are. #Newtown #Wellington


Have you ever been tempted to make a Twitter account for some public figure, like a baby or a whale? Did you think again and decide that’s a really bad idea?


Having a great time at the Wellington Gold Awards – such a great celebratio­n of Wellington!


Look, the Taranaki St Puddle account is the best thing that ever happened to Wellington Twitter.

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