The Leader Nelson edition

Stress-free Christmas? It’s easy as

Think pot luck Christmas dinner, one-gift rule, and kids whipping up their own gifts - here’s how to take it easier in the lead-up to the big day, writes

- Shop from home Kids’ play Food blues Secret Santa That’s a wrap Be Neighbourl­y That’s a point Shop the sales

Christmas is meant to be the most wonderful time of the year.

But between cramming three weeks’ work into the day before you go on holiday, trying to decide what your fussy 4-year-old would appreciate in his stocking, and attempting to teach yourself how to cook before the extended family comes over for dinner, you’ve got all the ingredient­s for a whole lot of stress and a whole lack of fun.

With a little forward planning, though, this Christmas is going to be much easier.

Forget battling the crowds the week before Christmas; shop online where you can - and start now. If you’re shopping for littlies, is New Zealand’s largest retailer of all your kids’ favourites play-things and brands. It offers free shipping on orders over $49 with speedy delivery, so you can shop in your pyjamas if you want to.

Presents from your kids to teachers, grandparen­ts and swimming lessons instructor­s are that little bit more special when they’ve made them themselves. Get creative with your kids by baking Christmas cookies or making lemon curd or fudge. Edible gifts are easy, heartfelt, and delicious.

If you’re already freaking out about cooking for 50 people, ask everyone to contribute to your main meal instead of slaving over a hot stove yourself. To avoid salad double-ups, five hot chickens and no fruit salad, plan a menu well in advance then assign parts of it to specific people.

If your family is extensive, save everyone stress and cash and opt for Secret Santa. Set a generous yet achievable budget (this is the only gift you’re giving and receiving after all), and allocate names (don’t forget Uncle Alfred).

There’s nothing worse than realising you’ve got 1249 gifts to wrap on Christmas Eve, so if a shop or online store offers free gift-wrapping, say a resounding ‘‘YES PLEASE!’’.

If you think Christmas is stressful, imagine trying to do it with no spare cash. Encourage your neighbours via Neighbourl­ to donate to a local charity appeal so everyone in your community gets to experience the Christmas they deserve.

If you belong to reward or loyalty schemes, or earn points on your credit card, save them up and put them towards your Christmas shopping at the end of the year. There’s nothing quite like free money!

If you know what gifts or

This one won’t help you this Christmas, but it will next year. Set up an automatic payment every payday starting from January 1, so by the time you get to December 2018 you’ve got a healthy little kitty stashed away. Use this to cover gifts, stocking fillers, maybe even Christmas dinner.

 ?? 123RF ?? Presents from your kids to family and friends are that little bit more special when they’ve made them themselves. And look at the fun they’ll have doing it!
123RF Presents from your kids to family and friends are that little bit more special when they’ve made them themselves. And look at the fun they’ll have doing it!

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