The Leader Nelson edition

Toy run to kick into gear

The Ulysses club are embarking on their annual toy run this weekend. reports.


The annual Ulysses Nelson Toy Run will mark its 31st year on Saturday.

Traditiona­lly attracting hundreds of motorcycli­sts from Nelson, Blenheim, the West Coast and even Canterbury, riders and their pillions decorate themselves and their machines for the event.

The toy run features motorbikes and scooters of various engine sizes, all adorned with gifts for distributi­on to the region’s children by the local branch of the Salvation Army, which follows the convoy to collect toys or donations from people on the roadside.

Members of the public can go to the assembly point in Richmond to donate their gifts to the Salvation Army and see the extensive range of scooters and motorcycle­s dressed for the occasion.

Riders are due to assemble at the Papps Car Park in Cambridge St at 10am, with the convoy leaving an hour later.

The motorcycle­s are due to make their way into Nelson through Richmond’s town centre and Stoke before travelling down Trafalgar St in Nelson to finish at the car park at the rear of Trafalgar Park.

Toys/games and proceeds from the sale of toy run badges to the riders all go to the Salvation Army. The emphasis this year is on providing games to appeal to a variety of ages.

The planned route goes from the Papps Car Park along Queen St and Salisbury Rd in Richmond to Stoke. The convoy is then due to travel along Waimea Rd and Selwyn Place to Trafalgar St in Nelson.

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