The Leader Nelson edition

Letting kids be unique


Many parents want to compare their children, not only with their siblings but with their peers as well.

Parents often tell others about how great one child is and forget to mention other childrens’ accomplish­ments. Instead of comparing them, think about what each child is good at and what you can do to support them.

Here are some ideas: Concentrat­e on what your child can do rather than what they can’t do.

Celebrate that they are different from one another.

Encourage your children to appreciate the different gifts and talents of siblings within a family.

Praise them when they work hard and persevere with difficulty.

Acknowledg­e the effort as this is more important than the finished product.

Humour works well in families. Laugh at yourself if you are not so good at something. This positive modelling will support your child to humour themselves with learning.

If you want to praise one child, don’t forget to acknowledg­e all children equally.

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