The New Zealand Herald

Pharmac widens vaccine access

Agency confirms more funding for HPV and chickenpox protection

- Nicholas Jones

Pharmac has confirmed it will extend funding for a chickenpox vaccine to all children and make an improved human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine funded for males under 26 years old.

The drug-buying agency says the changes will benefit an extra 100,000 people. It had already announced the proposed changes, but has now confirmed the new spending:

From January 1, boys will also be included in the HPV school vaccinatio­n programme and access will be widened for women and men up to 26.

From July 1, the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine will be funded for all children as part of the immunisati­on schedule. It is currently funded for children with certain risk factors.

The change increases protection against cervical cancer from 70 per cent to 90 per cent. Dr Jonathan Coleman Health Minister

Minister of Health Dr Jonathan Coleman welcomed the funding decision.

“The [HPV] vaccine will be changed from a vaccine that protects against four HPV serotypes to one that covers nine. The change increases protection against cervical cancer from 70 per cent to 90 per cent.

“These changes will mean the number of doses required for 14-year-olds and under will be reduced from three to just two.”

In Australia, the HPV vaccine is Government-funded for boys and girls. Gardasil can protect against four strains of HPV that can cause precancero­us lesions in the genital tract and mouth, and genital warts. It has been offered to New Zealand girls partly to help reduce cervical cancer.

Rates of throat-related cancers have risen sharply since the 1980s and HPV, from oral sex, is thought to be the cause.

More than 200,000 New Zealand females have been given the vaccine since 2008.

Other changes to the currently listed vaccines including brand changes and a move to a two-dose schedule for vaccinatio­n against rotavirus.

May’s Budget boosted Pharmac’s budget by $124 million over four years. The Government said district health boards would also give an extra $11 million towards Pharmac’s budget next year.

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