The New Zealand Herald

Donor status changes for the better

- Edward Rooney is regional news editor for NZME.

My wife was three days overdue with the latest addition to the family when I was told my blood donor status had changed.

While she waited at reception, I was being prepped for my regular contributi­on. A pin prick to check my iron levels and a couple of questions to double-check my history.

“Did you know you’re a paediatric donor now?” the nurse asked. “No idea at all,” I replied.

I could see my wife from my chair, machine pumping blood from the drip inserted in my left arm.

Using my available hand, I texted my wife: “What’s a paediatric donor?”

It turns out some people can donate blood for babies because they are CMV negative, having not been exposed to the Cytomegalo­virus (CMV). This is important because an infection from CMV for a low birth weight infant may be severe or even fatal. Being O- my blood can also be given to anyone.

I waited for the machine to beep, signalling the end of my donation. AndI saw my wife begin to cry.

Days later, baby Flynn arrived at last. He didn’t need a transfusio­n but my wife — a midwife as it happens — knows I’m doing my bit when newborns start out with the odds stacked against them.

I’ve told the other kids I have “dragon’s blood”.

With the right roll of the genetic dice and luck in life, they will also.

 ??  ?? Edward Rooney
Edward Rooney

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