The New Zealand Herald

Jail for UK ‘hate preacher’

Islamist found guilty of pledging allegiance to Isis and urging others to do so could face 10 years in prison

- Michael Holden in London — Reuters

Anjem Choudary, Britain’s most high-profile Islamist preacher whose followers have been linked to numerous plots across the world, has been found guilty of inviting support for Isis (Islamic State).

Choudary, 49, was convicted at London’s Old Bailey court of using online lectures and messages to encourage support for the group which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq.

Notorious in Britain where the tabloids denounce him as a hate preacher, he is also well-known abroad, making regular TV appearance­s following attacks by Islamist militants to blame Western foreign policy for targeting Muslims.

“These men have stayed just within the law for many years, but there is no one within the counterter­rorism world that has any doubts of the influence that they have had, the hate they have spread and the people that they have encouraged to join terrorist organisati­ons,” said Dean Haydon, head of London police’s Counter Terrorism Command.

Prosecutor­s said that in postings on social media, Choudary and his close associate Mizanur Rahman, 33, had pledged allegiance to the “caliph- In October, 2009, Anjem Choudary (pictured) said at a London protest:

“When sharia law is implemente­d, maybe in 10 or 15 years’ time, she [the Queen] would be expected like all women in Britain to be covered from head to toe, only revealing her face and hands.

“Thieves would have various warnings first, and only in cases where he has stolen more than £20 ate” declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and said Muslims had a duty to obey or provide support to him.

British police also claimed Choudary, a father of five and qualified solicitor, has links to 500 British jihadis fighting with Isis in Syria.

Both men, who had denied the terrorism charges and claimed the case was politicall­y motivated, were found guilty last month but their conviction­s could not be reported until yesterday for legal reasons. They are due to be sentenced next month and could face a jail sentence of up to 10 years each.

Choudary, the former head of the now banned organisati­on alMuhajiro­un, became infamous for of non-perishable goods from a private house would his hand be chopped off. praising the men responsibl­e for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and saying he wanted to convert Buckingham Palace into a mosque.

Despite his often controvers­ial comments and refusal to condemn attacks by Islamists such as the London 2005 bombings, Choudary has always denied any involvemen­t in militant activity and had never been previously charged with any terrorism offence.

Rahman served two years in jail for encouragin­g followers to kill British and American troops in Afghanista­n and Iraq during a protest in 2006.

Al-Muhajiroun has been regarded

“Under sharia and under the Koran the sale of alcohol is prohibited and if one were to also drink alcohol, that would be 40 lashes.

“There will be no more pubs, no more gambling houses, no more national lottery.

“All women would have to be covered up appropriat­ely and wear the niqab or veil and so there will be no prostituti­on.

“By 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim country.” as a breeding ground for militants since it was founded in the late 1990s by Syrian-born Islamist cleric Omar Bakri, who was banished from Britain in 2005, and was banned under antiterror­ist laws in 2010.

Police said it was suspected of being the driving force behind the London bombings while Michael Adebolajo, one of the men who hacked to death British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street in 2013, had attended protests Choudary had organised.

Last year, the trial of a teenage Muslim convert found guilty of plotting to behead a soldier in London was told he had fallen in with alMuhajiro­un.

The group’s influence is said to extend far beyond Britain.

Those connected to it include Abu Hamza al-Masri, jailed for life in the US last year for terrorism-related offences.

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the gunman who shot and killed a soldier in Canada’s capital and then stormed Parliament in 2014, followed Choudary on Twitter, although the preacher told Reuters at the time he had no links to him.

“Over and over again we have seen people on trial for the most serious offences who have attended lectures or speeches given by these men,” Haydon said in a statement.

Both Choudary and Rahman say they abide by a “covenant of security” which forbids Muslims from carrying out attacks in non-Muslim lands where their lives and wellbeing are protected.

“We’re living in a global community and no doubt Muslims around the world who have their eye on what’s happening in Syria and Iraq or want to know about the sharia [law] will come across us at one point or another,” Choudary told Reuters in 2014.

“That does not mean that we’re encouragin­g people to carry out any acts of terrorism,” he said at the time.

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