The New Zealand Herald

Decision ‘based on law’

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The judge who discharged rugby player Losi Filipo without conviction may be facing a public backlash for his decision.

But a former district court judge said the decision was based on law and a simple legal test that allowed Judge Bruce Davidson to come to his particular ruling.

Retired judge Dr David Harvey, now a lecturer at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Law, said he had read the judgment and was not going to question Judge Davidson’s ruling.

“Once you read his reasoning, then a lot of things become clear. It would be wrong of me and indeed it would be wrong of anybody to second-guess the judge, because he had the opportunit­y to hear the evidence and make the evaluation and step through the process.

“I don’t know what I’d do, because I don’t have all of the informatio­n that he has.”

In his ruling, Judge Davidson acknowledg­es he can discharge a defendant without conviction if he is satisfied that the direct and indirect consequenc­es of conviction would be out of all proportion to the gravity of the offence. “In my view, there are real and significan­t consequenc­es of conviction for the defendant. His chosen career could well be outside his purview if convicted. There is no difference in assessing this than assessing someone at the beginning of any other form of career.”

Harvey said despite the public outcry over Filipo’s case, judges had to think independen­tly when making decisions. “The other thing that’s very, very important is that judges have to be independen­t. They have to be independen­t of stress and so forth. If judges were to sort of say: ‘Oh, there’s a public cry over this. I better go along with it’. Then what you’re doing is replacing the rule of law with the rule of the mob. Ask yourself which one you’d rather have.”

Harvey said a judge’s decision could be questioned via the appeal process.

— Lynley Bilby and Vaimoana Tapaleao

Identify the circumstan­ces of the offence and the offender, including aggravatin­g and mitigating circumstan­ces, to determine gravity of offence. Identify the consequenc­es of conviction.

Determine whether the consequenc­es of a conviction are out of all proportion to the gravity of the offence. Then, if satisfied as to the third step, the judge must consider whether or not to exercise the discretion to discharge without conviction.

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