The New Zealand Herald

Rachel Stewart We may all face a fight to defend values


Not even a week into Trump’s presidency, it’s crystal clear that US citizens are now dealing with a fascist regime. From the alt-right to altfacts, hatred of the media, control of women’s bodies, the instant post-inaugural taking down of the White House website’s climate-change page, fake news, fake hair — the long list of evidence will keep growing like Pinocchio’s nose.

Unless, mass resistance. Civil war even. Or worse.

The anonymous coward’s punch on white supremacis­t Richard Spencer during the inaugurati­on festivitie­s, while he was bragging about the success of his ilk in getting Donald Trump elected, portends much worse to come.

Reaction to the sudden violence was mixed. Many peace-loving liberals appeared to support it, while others were less aghast; more tut-tutting. Laughter was the predominan­t reaction.

Spencer says he’s not a Nazi, but he’s involved in a movement that is antiimmigr­ation, anti-feminism, actively employs white supremacis­t rhetoric, and he’s also been filmed doing a Nazi salute. You decide.

Is it, in the end, incumbent upon decent, liberal Americans to deal to Nazism whenever they encounter it?

I mean, just because I don’t like nuclear weapons doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Not liking chihuahuas doesn’t mean one won’t trot past me and my large dog on our daily walk — and vigorously try to start a fight.

Where the new American President is concerned, denial as to his motives is no longer a viable option.

Why? Because widespread fascism and social sadism go together like alcohol and escapism. Er, anyone remember World War II?

Therein, of course, may lie the problem. History does tend to repeat itself if we allow ourselves to forget it.

Marching en masse in the streets is heart-warming, invigorati­ng. Venting on social media feels good too, but only briefly. High-powered litigation against the new regime will be helpful, but also takes tonnes of time the United States hasn’t got.

The carnage may come when the resistance to Trump tips into all-out militarisa­tion against citizens, and those citizens — mainly white of course — start being killed. When that happens, the American people will mobilise in a way that’ll be so much more than marching peacefully through cities holding banners.

Given the number of guns floating around the US — estimated to be well over 300 million — the crisis will be overwhelmi­ng. Not just criminals and rednecks own guns. The gun culture permeates everything. Even card-carrying Democrats carry guns, and given the current climate this is tipped to increase.

A basic tenet of fascism is a belief in the survival of the fittest. Trump’s new and enormous power means the populace will witness overt displays of muscle from a far more authoritar­ian police, military and intelligen­ce community. It’s going to be one heck of a rough ride.

Amid all of this, I hate to mention New Zealand’s own little cabal of alt-truthers. I’m not suggesting that something similar could or would happen here. However, you’d be a fool to rule it out.

What I am saying is remember Dirty Politics, and the bit players who helped our current Government’s re-election with fake news, defamatory blogs and alternativ­e facts? (If you didn’t read it, I can only assume you simply didn’t want to know).

Nicky Hager’s 2014 book exposed a side of New Zealand politics that is best not forgotten. The sheer quantity of lies and misinforma­tion was staggering, and the part that some in the media and Government performed in keeping the fib machine welloiled was quite the eye- opener. Is it still happening? I’m sure it is, albeit in a more toned-down, secretive fashion. No doubt the players — old and new — will reveal themselves soon enough, with an election looming this year.

Are we facing the same American alt-right dilemma? Not quite yet. But where Lady Liberty goes, we tend to follow. It will just be a matter of time before we find ourselves endorsing survivalis­m and a firearms cache with deadpan earnestnes­s. The stage is set. Just because we might not “believe” in violence, it exists, it breathes, it’s everywhere. Indeed, the more you don’t “believe”, the easier you’ll be to eliminate on the day it arrives on your doorstep.

Am I being over-dramatic? I hope so. I’d still rather be, at the very least, emotionall­y prepared for the possibilit­y.

Maybe it’s time to comprehend the distinct possibilit­y that we’ll all be called on to figurative­ly, if not literally, punch a Nazi soon. Sadly, to defend our way of life, and our hard-won liberal belief systems and soy lattes, we might have no choice.

There is no doubt that our fair land has been lucky over the past few generation­s, but our luck cannot hold.

The wheels of change are turning ever faster.

Ask America.

 ?? Picture / AP ?? The opposition to Trump’s fascist regime could easily tip into violence in the gun-toting United States.
Picture / AP The opposition to Trump’s fascist regime could easily tip into violence in the gun-toting United States.
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