The New Zealand Herald

Short & sweet


On appeal

Before we get carried away with youthful enthusiasm let us learn from overseas experience. Macron (France) has plummeted from 66 to 36 per cent approval rating in three months. Trudeau (Canada) down to 39 per cent.

Jules Riding, Whangarei.

On laughing

Jacinda Ardern’s face laughs too much. Politics are no laughing matter, or are they? D. Hoekstra, Papakura.

On voting

Mr English and Mr Peters claim Labour must release details of its tax policy. Not necessary. The majority of voters do not vote on policy. They vote for how the leader makes them feel. That’s why Trump won, regardless of his stupid policies. That’s why Jacinda is blazing ahead.

Gary Ferguson, Epsom.

On gender

Based on the feminists’ insistence that men and women should be treated equally, consider this. How did people react when Jacinda shed tears over a friend’s suicide? How would people react if Bill shed tears over a similar incident? H. Robertson, St Heliers.

On moderators

If Corin Dann was the second best moderator chosen by TVNZ for the leaders’ debates then the first choice must be an outstandin­g, megastar moderator.

Graham Fleetwood, Mellons Bay.

On housing

Five grand extra for first home buyers is less than the monthly increase in capital value of a house. It shows how out of touch the National Party is, throwing peanuts to the poor rather than fixing a skewed tax system that encourages property investment.

R. France, Devonport.

On sale

At least John Key is consistent. His personal property is going to the same buyers as he has allowed the rest of Auckland’s property to go to.

L. A. Meech, Beachhaven,

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