The New Zealand Herald

Buy-up pushes locals into crisis


Tokoroa houses are so affordable that a new type of housing crisis is emerging — locals are moving into caravans and garages as out-oftowners scoop up the hot properties.

“There are people with two or three kids having to live in caravans, in garages, or they are doubling up with families which is causing overcrowdi­ng,” Salvation Army lieutenant Steve Molan told Fairfax.

“It is affecting everyone — parents with kids, single people, or couples. There are just no houses in Tokoroa. Tokoroa is in a crisis,” he said.

The blame mostly falls on out-oftowners buying cheap properties in Tokoroa, where you can now buy a property for an average price of $209,480.

These purchases are also making rent prices shoot up and the Salvation Army, as well as other social agencies, are struggling to help.

According to Taupo MP Louise Upston, the Government is working to fix the issue but she adds it’ll take some time.

“I would urge people to visit Work and Income to see if help is available to secure accommodat­ion . . . if they are having difficulti­es,” she said.

To raise awareness, the Salvation Army is organising the 14 Hours Homeless Appeal, a sleep-out event outside the Tokoroa Church this Friday, October 13, from 5pm.

People will be sleeping rough for the night to draw attention to the housing crisis in the area.

Donations can be made into bank account 02 0464 0146032 00, suffix 14HH.

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