The New Zealand Herald

Weinstein criticism and claims pile up

- — Washington Post

Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, already suspected of decades of sexual harassment, came under withering fire with a new report accusing him of raping three women.

The new report in the New Yorker was followed by an article in the New York Times that included accounts from Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie — both from elite Hollywood families — about Weinstein’s harassment of them early in their careers.

The stories were a devastatin­g blow to Weinstein’s reputation, which already had been badly damaged by a New York Times story reporting that he had reached monetary settlement­s with eight women who alleged he had pressured them for sex.

His accusers said he threatened their careers if they rejected his advances. The board of the Weinstein Co fired him as co-chairman. His wife Georgina Chapman is divorcing him.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton condemned Weinstein, who has been a longtime Democratic donor.

“I was shocked and appalled. The behaviour described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated.

“Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behaviour.”

Weinstein, 65, is one of the most successful producers in movie history, first with Miramax and later the Weinstein Co. Numerous top stars have condemned him, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain and George Clooney.

Weinstein “unequivoca­lly denied” any allegation­s of nonconsens­ual sex, spokeswoma­n Sallie Hofmeister said, adding that “there were never any acts of retaliatio­n against any women for refusing his advances”.

The New Yorker and New York Times stories contain similar details and generally corroborat­e each other.

Both describe the ways in which Weinstein and his assistants kept his accusers quiet through payoffs, threats and indirect intimidati­on. The stories appear to fit a pattern:

Weinstein, under the pretence of discussing work, would invite women to a private place. Sometimes assistants would be present, giving the women a sense of security, but then they would depart. Sometimes Weinstein behaved profession­ally for some time before appearing nude except for a bathrobe, asking for massages, exposing himself or asking women to watch him shower.

Three women told the New Yorker that Weinstein raped them.

Actress Melissa Russell tweeted: “Gwyneth’s parents are Hollywood elite, her godfather is Spielberg, and he [ Weinstein] pulled this shit. Her boyfriend was Brad Pitt. Imagine all the people who didn’t know anyone in this town”.

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