The New Zealand Herald

Relationsh­ips: what type do you want?

Long-term pairing prevalent but environmen­tal cues can factor, study finds

- Andrew Thomas Andrew Thomas is a lecturer in psychology at Swansea University.

Do you prefer vanilla or chocolate icecream? Chances are you do prefer one, but liking one doesn’t necessaril­y rule the other out. Even die-hard vanilla fans might be tempted by a new brand of chocolate in the right circumstan­ces. Could relationsh­ip preference be the same?

While men and women typically seek long-term partners, the prevalence of one night stands, affairs and “friends with benefits” arrangemen­ts suggest that humans also have a taste for casual sex.

Evolutiona­ry psychologi­sts believe that human relationsh­ips tend to fall into one of two camps — long-term committed mating or shortterm casual mating. Both would have led to reproducti­on among our ancestors, but which provided the best outcome would have been dictated by societal and environmen­tal circumstan­ces, for example, the availabili­ty of resources.

In times of plenty, ancestral men and women would have been able to mate casually with fewer consequenc­es than normal. Men who mated with women and then left had a fair chance that any resulting offspring would survive with little to no investment on their part. Women, in turn, could mate with a highly attractive man who was unlikely to stick around, knowing that any resulting offspring would be likely to both survive and possess the high quality genes of their father.

Change the environmen­t to resource poor, and the consequenc­es of short-term mating also change. It becomes harder for young to survive and thrive with just the investment of their mother and her family. Under these conditions, seeking long-term committed partners would have been more beneficial.

Due to the varying benefits of short and long-term relationsh­ips, humans have evolved to be “mixed strategy” maters, retaining a preference for, and capacity to engage in, both long and short-term options.

We believe that humans have evolved a psychologi­cal “organ” which tracks changes in the environmen­t and calibrates relationsh­ip preference­s accordingl­y.

To test this idea, we recorded 414 volunteers’ relationsh­ip preference­s by showing them a number of opposite sex suitors, and asked them to decide if they would prefer a longterm or short-term relationsh­ip with each. Then we exposed them to different stimuli designed to signal changes in the environmen­t, and asked them to revisit their decisions.

For example, to signal resource abundance, we exposed participan­ts to images of luxury items including jewellery, fast cars and mansions. We also signalled the need to care for young children and the presence of dangerous animals in a similar way.

In every experiment, we found changes in relationsh­ip preference­s in line with evolutiona­ry prediction­s. Most notably, we found that, relative to a control group, participan­ts shown cues that the environmen­t was resource-rich tended to show an increased preference for short-term mating. Importantl­y, preference­s for long-term mating didn’t change.

The results suggest that people have separate degrees of preference for both short-term and long-term relationsh­ips, and which one is ultimately pursued depends on the relative strengths of that preference.

So if a person finds themselves in a committed relationsh­ip, it could be because their preference for longterm mating overshadow­s their preference for casual mating. But a preference for the latter may still be there, lurking in the background.

Does this mean the end of relationsh­ips as we know it? Unlikely. However, if someone were to be exposed to strong and persistent signals that their environmen­t had changed in some way — following a job promotion, or during an economic recession, for example — then this might cause them to change the type of relationsh­ip they want.

 ??  ?? Even if you find yourself drawn to committed relationsh­ips a weaker preference for short-term flings could still be lurking in the background.
Even if you find yourself drawn to committed relationsh­ips a weaker preference for short-term flings could still be lurking in the background.
 ??  ??

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