The New Zealand Herald

It’s a great fishing tale, kid you not


When it comes to fishing, Tom Northcroft thought he’d seen it all.

But the veteran angler was in for a surprise last week when he headed to one of his usual fishing spots on the Waitahanui River near Taupo to find it occupied by a goat.

The goat, named Philip, was there with his angling owner, Theresa Bilby from Whanganui, and while Northcroft was impressed by Bilby’s fishing prowess — “she’s a bloody accomplish­ed fisherpers­on” — he was more taken by her pet, who followed her around just like a dog.

“I’ve seen some sights on that river before but not like that with someone taking a goat out fishing,” said Northcroft.

“She said that the goat spots the fish and it’ll get all excited and point her to the fish. She had just put one back before I got there.

“I said, ‘what’s your goat’s name? Billy?’ and she said, ‘No, Philip!’ I said ‘you’re having me on lady!”’ He said Bilby was up fishing the Waitahanui on a day off, and told him she always brings Philip with her.

“She said he’s aware if there’s fish near the bank. He will . . . want to land it or jump in and get it for you.”

Philip originally came from a farm and Bilby has raised him to be very tame and a great companion, Northcroft said.

The Waitahanui is a favourite spot for Bilby and Philip, and Northcroft says he may well see them again — and he’ll remember them. “I’ve seen a lot of things over the years and that’s just one . . . I won’t forget.”

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