The New Zealand Herald

Denver test unlikely but Qatar now in the frame

- David Skipwith

A proposal for the Kiwis to play a league test in Denver looks likely to be shot down but they could play the Kangaroos in Qatar — if Australian coach Mal Meninga gets his way.

The Kiwis are set to play the Kangaroos in New Zealand at the end of the year in the first transtasma­n clash on home soil since 2014, but suggest the game could be moved to the Middle East.

Meninga is considerin­g an expression of interest for the Australian side to host an end of season test in Qatar in October, and the Kiwis could play the World Cup champions there as a warm-up for their threetest series against England in the UK.

Australia are also in talks to play an end of year test against Tonga — with Hawaii and Auckland touted as possible venues — but the game against the Pacific Island side could also be moved to Qatar as part of a series.

“Qatar, which will host the Fifa World Cup in 2022, is constantly on the lookout to lure major sporting events to the country and have reached out about the possibilit­y of hosting a rugby league fixture,” detailed the report on

“It’s likely Doha would host the potential historic test featuring Kangaroos stars Cameron Smith and Greg Inglis, with Khalifa Internatio­nal Stadium holding 40,000 fans.”

Given that the proposed test sits outside the NRL season, NRL clubs may not be as opposed to the idea as some have been towards the touted mid-season test between New Zealand and England in Denver during the standalone representa­tive weekend of June 22-24.

Kiwis World Cup captain Adam Blair wants assurances around player welfare before he commits to the Denver test, and believes there’s more pressing business to attend to here in New Zealand.

The new Warriors recruit is all for helping to promote rugby league around the globe but wants to learn more about the organisers’ plans before he commits to making the 23,604km round trip to play at America’s highest altitude city.

“I guess they’re trying to promote the game of rugby league,” said Blair.

“It’s making sure all of the little things are done properly before I even agree to go to a test match over in Denver.

“If we’re trying to promote the game then it’s a good idea, but as a Kiwi I think we should be doing a lot more stuff back here in New Zealand.”

The Warriors are among several NRL clubs wary of how the hit-andrun trip and the effects of playing at altitude could impact on their players’ recovery and their ability to back-up and play NRL games within days of their return.

Blair said the Denver test was an issue involving the Players’ Associatio­n and he also believes clubs will ultimately have the final say on which of their players are released to the national sides.

“Player welfare is obviously the most important thing,” he said.

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