The New Zealand Herald

The daily quiz


1. Who oversaw decimalisa­tion which came into effect here on this day in 1967?

2. Telstar was launched on this day in 1962 and still orbits Earth — true or false?

3. New Zealand began administer­ing the Ross Dependency in 1923, 1933, 1953?

4. Which US President said “If Lincoln was alive today he’d turn over in his grave”?

5. West Auckland’s busiest road is Great North, Lincoln, Te Atatu?

6. Which Kiwi sporting celebrity is 30 today — Suzie Bates, Ruby Tui, Sarah Walker?

7. What’s the main ingredient of guacamole?

8. The loops a belt goes through on trousers are called beckets, pickets, wickets?

9. In our high country, dog rose is considered an invasive species — true or false?

10. Tungsten’s symbol is which letter?

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