The New Zealand Herald

winter wellbeing: intention & impact


Winter is a great time for reflection. For being, rather than doing. Pausing the box set for an hour to sit by the fire and reflect with intent can be a great way to do a winter reset around your health, happiness and wellbeing.

If you ask someone what they “should be” doing for wellbeing, you will get long

list, something like: Must exercise for at least an hour every day. Drink a green juice every day. Eat more protein. Drink enough water (in BPA safe bottle obvs). Lift heavy things for bone density. Rest more, but, er, also do more. Bootcamp. Cook more meals from scratch every day. More pulses? Get in 5 a day, 7 really. Do squats while cleaning teeth, oh teeth, must get organic toothpaste, and aluminium-free deodorant. Do not get stressed! Yes definitely be less stressed. Meditate 20 minutes a day. Every day,

and so on. It’s exhausting. This is why we find it so hard to stick to wellbeing habits; total overwhelm. When you see it all written down like that it seems fairly crazypants that anyone could ever keep on top of a percentage of that regularly.

Know this: The best wellbeing actions you can choose are the ones you a) actually do consistent­ly and b) create maximal impact. You cannot do everything, so, let’s stop putting ridiculous pressure and expectatio­ns on ourselves and look for impact and consistenc­y, then focus on feeling good about it! That’s wellbeing, yes?

So, reflect on this: what wellbeing habit (it can be small or large) do you wish you had started five years ago and kept up consistent­ly? Big question! Resist the urge to write 19 answers and batter your self esteem. Start working that discernmen­t muscle — what’s the one thing that would have been the highest-impact choice? And make that ONE choice TODAY. Life coach Louise Thompson helps people unlock their happiest and healthiest life. Find more at louisethom­

 ??  ?? Louise Thompson
Louise Thompson

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