The New Zealand Herald

Cooking up a storm


According to various studies, people are hungrier and do eat more in the winter months. You are not imagining it, good to know! There are a few potential factors that may contribute to this increased hunger. Most people would agree winter is the season for hearty foods. Heavy, carb-laden dishes, sugary treats and rich sauces are all cultural staples of the diet at this time of year. Many people also report being hungrier in winter, with stronger cravings and an increased urge to snack.

So, given that, biological­ly, we are going to crave more food (for energy, to keep warm) and culturally (it’s the season for comfort food), what can we do to avoid packing on a little winter padding?

A few tips are to fill up on healthy soups, stews and other low-calorie dishes that contain plenty of fibre-rich vegetables and other healthy ingredient­s, along with protein to keep you feeling satisfied, and to find healthier versions of your favourite comfort foods so you can indulge without blowing out on your calorie intake.

My healthy go-to option in winter is the crock pot. It is amazing for creating nutrient-dense, hearty, warming dishes with minimum fuss (always a big motivator in my world) with the added bonus of making me feel like Superwoman by having dinner all sorted and bubbling away by breakfast.

The key is to work with winter and the push towards hearty meals and create those that are guilt and hassle-free for you.

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