The New Zealand Herald

Constructi­on bust in boom times needs rethink

- John Walton is the immediate past president of the Arbitrator­s’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand.

Dire prediction­s are being made from all quarters about the future of the constructi­on industry in New Zealand but there may yet be a happy ending. According to one recent survey reported in the Herald, more than half of the industry leaders think the industry’s in about as good shape as a leaky home. And yet, at the same time, the sector has more bustle and activity to it than ever before.

As Michael Weatherall, the Simpson Grierson lawyer who heads his firm’s constructi­on law team, rhetorical­ly asks, how can it be that these boom times bring boom losses?

Right now, of course, the constructi­on industry is indeed booming — not just in housing, but also in commercial and infrastruc­ture developmen­t. But companies are continuing to fail. Why?

The answer lies in the constructi­on process and a misunderst­anding of the roles of the participan­ts. At its simplest, the owner provides the site, resource consents, designs and pays for the work. The contractor organises the work to the design and to the required legal standards, for the agreed price within the allocated time. Price and time are adjusted for unforeseen events and for changes instructed by the owner. To this extent, constructi­on contracts legislate for uncertaint­y.

That uncertaint­y is exacerbate­d by an incomplete understand­ing of other project risks (ground conditions and supply chain issues like subcontrac­tor and supplier pricing and availabili­ty) and unrealisti­c expectatio­ns on the part of owners, particular­ly that they can fill in the gaps in the design and instruct changes at their whim without cost consequenc­es. The tender process encourages this opportunis­tic behaviour by forcing contractor­s to compete on incomplete, or simply unrealisti­c or unfair contract terms.

Contractor­s try to introduce some balance by excluding risks from their bids. They must then rely on the claims process to protect their margins.

This can turn the pricing process into something of a lottery. Typically, the cheapest price wins, which all too often is submitted by the contractor with the greatest appetite for risk, coupled with the most optimistic expectatio­ns for making claims under the contract.

Following contract award, managing design developmen­t, constructi­on and capricious owner changes to the design becomes a considerab­le headache for

Owners (including, alas, the government) use the tender process to transfer greater risk to contractor­s.

contractor­s who need to be able to meet constructi­on costs, pay subcontrac­tors and protect their already slim margins.

In return, owners (including, alas, the government) use the tender process to transfer greater risk to contractor­s by limiting opportunit­ies for claiming additional payment and time.

Thus the lines for battle are drawn for what is now being reported as the winter of our constructi­on discontent.

The industry has a choice. Either it accepts that designs and prices will change and pay contractor­s accordingl­y, or take the time to remove contract uncertaint­ies before fixing the price and instructin­g work to commence. Experience here and overseas would suggest that a combinatio­n of the two works best.

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