The New Zealand Herald

The Simpsons v the apocalypse


Written by Anne Washburn, Mr Burns, a Post-Electric Play is a commentary on broadstrok­e themes: the imminent arrival of an apocalypse, the US’ obsession with capitalism and a desire to remember our stories, memories and, ultimately, culture.

As the longest-running animated television series, it’s perfect that The Simpsons encapsulat­es the culture of our times. Specifical­ly, it is the

Cape Feare episode parodying the Martin Scorsese movie remake that functions as the major conceit of the play.

At two hours and 15 minutes (including interval), this is a long play. Strongly narrative driven, the opening act is perhaps the most successful. Shadows loom large and flashlight­s sweep into corners as huddled survivors struggle to recite and revive memories of the episode in the face of a nuclear disaster.

Fast forward seven years, the same faces, and a few new ones, reassemble for rehearsal of the same episode. In this world, Diet Coke is traded for lithium batteries, actors have guns in pockets, lines need to be bought as memories grow distant and commercial­s feature a mash-up of 90s pop music references.

Cast standouts include Joel Tobeck as Mr Burns and Olivia Tennet as the director. Quentin Warren and Byron Coll are fabulous as Itchy and Scratchy.

In a world that is supposed to be about returning theatre to the epicentre of our humanity, Oliver Driver’s production is inevitably consumed by meta-theatrics — leaving little space for genuine awe and fear.

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