The New Zealand Herald

Quick crossword



1. Speed up (10) 7. Once more (5) 8. Prison (colloq) (7) 10. Fated (8)

11. Minor deviation from a trend (4)

13. Go beyond (6) 15. Tenant (6)

17. Haul (4) 18. Vulgarity (3,5) 21. Bored (7) 22. Pathfinder (5) 23. Plague (10)


1. Accumulate (5)

2. Think carefully (8) 3. Diminish (6)

4. Paper measure (4) 5. Falls (7)

6. Sensible and practical (10) 9. Stands for (10) 12. Throw overboard (8) 14. Deadly poison (7) 16. Open-toed footwear (6) 19. Put aside for future (5) 20. Coagulate (4)

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