The New Zealand Herald

We review Missing Link, Red Joan and Where Hands Touch

- Francesca Rudkin

Dench again provides an acting masterclas­s in this British period romp about a British physicist who leads a double life, spying for the KGB.

The story begins in London in 2000 when Joan Stanley, a retired librarian in her 80s, is arrested by M15 for treason. The death of a previous colleague has revealed her to be one of the longest-serving double agents in Britain — a suggestion that stuns everyone, from Joan’s neighbours to her lawyer son.

It’s an interestin­g starting place for a story; spies aren’t always James Bond-esque, they can also be your lovely, sweet, perfectly ordinary neighbour.

Joan’s story is told in flashbacks, as she is questioned by government officials. First, as a student at Cambridge, and then as a young physicist employed as a secretary at the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Associatio­n in London during World War II.

It’s here that Joan, played in her younger years by Sophie Cookson, is exposed to top-secret atomicbomb informatio­n that she’s accused of leaking to the USSR.

Dench gives a beautifull­y nuanced performanc­e. At first she plays to perfection the part of a confused and innocent

octogenari­an then, as the story unfolds, she slowly reveals a woman who felt a moral obligation to leak secrets to the Soviets, believing both superpower­s having the technology would prevent them from annihilati­ng each other.

Cookson gets the less meaty role. It’s hard to know whether this intelligen­t young woman was a communist sympathise­r or just fell for charismati­c socialist and spy Leo (Tom Hughes), with Joan’s university years and time working in London reduced to a melodramat­ic romance.

The result is a story that could have been thrilling but is instead a nice, repetitive and slightly dull period costume drama. Thank goodness for Dame Judi Dench.

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