The New Zealand Herald

Govt voices concern over rights in China

- Jason Walls

The Government’s foreign affairs branch says it continues to share its concerns about human rights in Xinjiang province, China.

This comes after New Zealand and 23 other countries last week signed a statement to the head of the United Nations’ Human Rights body, condemning the treatment of Uighur Muslims in China.

The statement, delivered by Britain’s Permanent Representa­tive to the UN, Karen Pierce, was signed by Japan, Germany, the United States and Britain.

“We call on the Chinese Government to uphold its national laws and internatio­nal obligation­s and commitment­s to respect human rights, including freedom of religion or belief, in Xinjiang and across China.”

New Zealand was part of a similar statement to the UN in July.

A Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesman said NZ had joined the statement because “We continue to share concerns about the human rights situation in Xinjiang”. He said the statement “speaks for itself”.

It called on China’s Government to allow the Office of the United Nations High Commission­er for Human Rights and UN Special Procedures immediate unfettered, meaningful access to Xinjiang.

China faces more pressure over the treatment of the Uighur Muslims.

Chinese MPs have described the camps it has set up for the Uighur Muslims as “vocational training centres”.

But the UN Committee on the Eliminatio­n of Racial Discrimina­tion has estimated that “from tens of thousands to upwards of a million Uighurs” may be detained in them.

Independen­t experts have described it as a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy” and a “no-rights zone”.

Chinese officials have rejected these claims, saying they come from “anti-China forces”.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she raised the Uighur issue when she visited China this year.

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