The New Zealand Herald

A paradise for housing speculator­s


Our Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr’s attitude to the massive rise in house prices is unconscion­able for basically saying it’s not his problem. He is the one controllin­g the country’s purse strings.

By reducing the interest rates to nearly zero he is giving away virtually free money to speculator­s to invest in houses and property, further fuelling an out-ofcontrol house and asset bubble. This rewards borrowers and penalises savers.

Young families saving for a home deposit have seen house prices going up annually at more than their gross income, while at the same time the miserly 1 per cent bank interest paid on their savings is taxed at source, including the portion lost to inflation, thus destroying any possible chance of home ownership.

These flawed policies are exacerbati­ng an already massively divided have/have not society, which will require more than gated communitie­s to protect the haves in future as society self-destructs.

David F. Little, Whanga¯rei.

Hot property

Parliament goes on holiday in two weeks after a tough year. Most of the time until then will be wasted on newbie speeches.

The housing market out of control, drug laws not working, paramedic protection still not passed but the prisoners got their vote in time.

The Reserve Bank is about to print $100 billion for property investors despite house prices already rising 15 per cent in one year. How Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern thinks savers can keep up, getting 1 per cent interest is . . . interestin­g? The answer is “blowing in the wind”. Ardern will help couples earning under $135k. Surely not with printed money? In the meantime she is on holiday while the property investors have a head start.

She won’t interfere with drug laws, the reserve bank or CGT. The ABs are losing their mental health and nobody has a solution. What is the world coming to?

At least Parliament will resume in February. By then house prices will have gone up another 10 per cent, meaning any help Ardern is planning is worthless.

No wonder the fear of missing out is strong. Everyone is missing out bar the rich. The rich get richer, the children of the rich get richer. Steve Russell, Hillcrest.

Price isn’t right

One wonders just how effective this current investigat­ion into supermarke­t pricing ( NZ Herald, November 17) is going to be.

For well over 40 years, it has been well known that some Kiwi foods could be purchased cheaper overseas than in New Zealand, despite the cost of transport over thousands of kilometres. There have been flurries of protestati­on and vague explanatio­ns and promises, but the exploitati­on of the Kiwi shopper goes on unabated.

The reasons no doubt are many, but I would suggest that a good place to look is not necessaril­y at the supermarke­ts but at the “middlemen” and

their applicatio­n of excessive markups as goods pass through their hands.

I sincerely hope that something of benefit comes out of this investigat­ion and it won’t be just another sop to Cerebus.

Hugh Nettleton, Windsor Park.

Childhood impacts

I was disappoint­ed to read Justice Courtney’s summing up in sentencing Fisilau Tapaevalu to a minimum term of 17 years’ imprisonme­nt for the murder of Epalahame Tu’uheava and attempted murder of his partner, Yolanda (Mele) Tu’uheava.

Specifical­ly, agreeing with the Crown that his offending did not “spring from his childhood deprivatio­ns but from poor choices as an adult”.

This fails to recognise the very real connection between childhood deprivatio­n (family violence, abuse and neglect, parental drug and alcohol issues to name a familiar triad) and adolescent offending.

While not every adolescent offender will continue to offend into adulthood, reversing this trend is difficult.

School disruption as a consequenc­e of family dysfunctio­n, the attraction of alcohol and illegal drugs to dull the hurt and the pull of youth gangs as an alternativ­e family who seems to understand, all cause damage not easily reversed.

As a social worker in the Youth Courts, I see the sad trajectory of child protection status to youth justice status on a daily basis.

Fisilau Tapaevalu is likely to have once been a confused and scared 4-year-old, doing the best he could in a hostile world. We forget this at our peril.

Fritha Parkes, Ma¯ngere.

Sweet solution

The main impediment to the building of a cheaper and more efficient bridge over the Waitemata¯ Harbour, a mere 1km wide, is the need to build an incredibly high and wide central arch to allow ships to carry raw sugar to the NZ Sugar refinery in Birkenhead every six weeks.

It seems crazy to spend billions of dollars to build a tunnel or a new high bridge across the harbour because of the constraint forced on us by the need to allow eight ships a year to go up the harbour.

NZ Sugar is now wholly owned by Singaporea­n and Australian conglomera­tes who own many large refineries in Queensland and Victoria, from which they could easily supply the NZ market.

Surely now is the time to close down the ageing Chelsea refinery and import our sugar to allow us to build cheaper harbour crossings for the greater good of Auckland and New Zealand? NZ Sugar is entirely self-sufficient in water from their three dams, so there could be a bonus for Watercare with a massive supply of clean fresh water from Duck Creek.

Peter Michel, Takapuna.

Another first

Many lawyers and judges are fond of the term “first-time offender”. For the sake of argument if, on Thursday, I decide to steal a bottle of plonk from a wine shop, I am a first-time offender. If I decide on Friday to repeat the trick, then I have become a multiple offender.

To treat a person who has indulged in more than 1400 fraudulent transactio­ns ( NZ Herald, November 18) as a first-time offender is surely somewhat stretching the meaning of the term?

Tony Potter, Remuera.

Fairy crossing

The article about “Green Fairies get their wings clipped” ( NZ Herald, November 18) blurs the issues between recreation­al cannabis use and medicinal cannabis, seemingly seeing them in the one basket.

The referendum was on the question of whether to legalise the sale, use, possession, and production of cannabis. Nothing whatever to do with the role or prescribin­g of medicinal cannabis. There are very few satisfacto­ry random doubleblin­d, controlled, scientific studies demonstrat­ing the benefit over risk of medicinal cannabis. There has been shown some benefit of using medicinal cannabis in conditions of childhood epilepsy and people who suffer painful spasms with multiple sclerosis.

Hence, anyone suggesting rubbing cannabis oil on an arthritic knee or smoking a bong for anxiety or poor sleep is certainly throwing fairy dust around.

Dr Greg Dunn, Matamata.

Toilet stops

Wealthy tourists — the class Tourist Minister Stuart Nash seeks to lure to our shores — don’t mingle with the average New Zealand peasant who runs a small town, proletaria­n business. They might fly in by private jet; take a “helicopter” to a gated resort; buy online and maybe the profit made from them is gobbled up by a foreign-owned company.

Being a peasant myself, a responsibl­e camper and traveller around New Zealand for half a century, I also don’t like his demeaning of poorer backpacker­s and young people by claiming they do poopoo everywhere. Get over it, Mr Nash. Even you have a dash of a slash behind a tree occasional­ly?

Rob Buchanan, Kerikeri.

Constituti­on path

The path for Donald Trump to be reelected is quite simple and on track. He needs to first go through all of the lower level courts before taking his case to the Supreme Court of the United States. As such, losing his case in each court isn’t a concern. When his appeals reach the SCOTUS they can rule the practices in Pennsylvan­ia and Michigan were not lawful and cancel the results for those states. This will mean no candidate wins 270 electoral votes and the result will go to the House of Representa­tives, as per the constituti­on, which states that in this instance, the election will be decided in the House by one vote per state. The Republican­s have by far the most states in the House and will therefore vote for Trump. Kent Millar, Blockhouse Bay.

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