The New Zealand Herald

Serial rapist remains risk to society, hearing finds

- Elizabeth Binning

One of New Zealand’s worst serial rapists is apprehensi­ve about doing a child-sex offenders’ programme for fear of what other inmates might say. Joseph Thompson, who was sentenced in 1995 to 30 years’ preventive detention for the rape and sexual violation of nearly 50 women and young girls, became eligible for parole last year. His real number of victims is believed to be closer to 70.

At a recent hearing, Parole Board members told Thompson he had a “prolific history of offending”, and it was recommende­d he take part in a child-sex offender treatment programme, and possible an adult sexual offender programme after that, as part of his treatment plan.

“Your offending was absolutely prolific, if not horrific . . . that’s another reason for you to realise this is going to be a long haul.”

Thompson, who was known as the South Auckland rapist, evaded police for 12 years before a DNA sample led to his arrest.

During his reign of terror, parents wouldn’t let their children walk to school, extra locks were added to doors and windows, some took to keeping baseball bats at arm’s reach and vigilante groups were formed.

He often struck at night against women and children who were home while husbands and dads were working. A knife was his weapon of choice.

Thompson acknowledg­ed a lot of his offending was against children and a child-sex offender treatment programme was appropriat­e. He told board members he felt he had come a long way since being jailed — but acknowledg­ed he still had a long road ahead.

“When I first came into prison I gave up smoking cigarettes. I haven’t touched drugs or alcohol and all those things are freely available to us,” he said. “I have even given up things like swearing. I know that’s a little thing but all the things I have achieved highlight self-control and that’s what I’m trying to do.”

He added: “I’m willing to do as much as I can . . . I have been looking forward to doing anything towards rehabilita­tion.”

Rehabilita­tion programmes, like child and adult sexual offending programmes, weren’t available to Thompson until now because he hadn’t served his non-parole period of 25 years until last June.

However, he told the board he was apprehensi­ve because inmates talked about things that happened during the sessions that were meant to be confidenti­al.

“I have seen inmates come back from these programmes and they are sharing what the inmates said. I don’t want to be put in that situation . . .”

Board members acknowledg­ed in their parole decision that Thompson’s conduct had been “mostly good” and he was seen as reliable in the kitchen where he worked.

In regards to his concerns about the treatment programme, the members told him the significan­ce of it in terms of a risk assessment later.

They also said he might need to do it again before parole was considered.

“[It] may be a repeat participat­ion

in that programme would be required, as well as the possibilit­y of attendance at the adult sex offender treatment programme or individual psychologi­cal treatment. We would add that considerat­ion no doubt will need to be given to him undertakin­g the special treatment unit violence programme and possibly the drug treatment programme.”

The board found that Thompson, who did not apply for parole at the hearing, remained an undue risk to society and could not be released.

“I realise I have got a long way to go . . . I have spent 25 years in here now and I have had a long time to think about it,” he said.

One of his victims told the Herald last year that while she forgave the man who raped her twice while she was at home with her young children, he should never be released.

“It’s one thing to forgive him, it’s another to trust,” said the woman who can only be identified as Shirlee.

Thompson’s sentence was the harshest penalty dished out since the death penalty was abolished. Only a handful of longer ones have been imposed since.

It will be at least two years before he fronts the Parole Board again.

 ?? Photo / File ?? Joseph Thompson, sentenced in 1995 to 30 years for the rape and sexual violation of nearly 50 women and young girls, is eligible for parole.
Photo / File Joseph Thompson, sentenced in 1995 to 30 years for the rape and sexual violation of nearly 50 women and young girls, is eligible for parole.

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