The Northern Advocate



Petrol prices: Another fuel tax rise to hit motorists from July 1

● Harry Baker: Another 3 or 4 cent added on to food as well. Transport etc. Time to get rid of this lot.

● Cory Nelson: Harry Baker tax does wonders and gives us the infrastruc­ture we have today. Do you wanna end having a massive medical bill when you break your leg and have to go to the hospital? If we didn't have fuel tax then we'd probably still be driving everywhere on a dirt roads

● Alan Grant: Harry Baker seen the prices at countdown lately? Things have gone up by dollars.

● Harry Baker: Cory Nelson we are in northland we are driving on dirt roads a main hiway. That's a goat track.

● Rose-Vince McBirney Cadness: Just had a virus unemployme­nt galore and they ask for more money. No compassion from this government, this is just the start as we no. Petrol, diesel and road users going up, everything goes up, tax tax tax. They are worse than the

Sherif of Nottingham, where’s Robbin Hood to save us, Vince?

Northland man gets community work for taking 145 toheroa

● Lisa Lee Terry: Community work? Really .... only 100 hours? That’s pathetic, he should be made to work at the local marae for 1 year and 45 weeks, day in and day out to pay off his debt.

● Kara Whareumu: More toheroa die every day due to vehicular traffic crushing juvenile shellfish.

Far more than what this man took to feed his family, why do you think there are heaps of broken shells on the beach every time after the change of the tides. If you have been to these beaches you will see 4x4 trucks and utes guads doing donuts every where trail bikes ripping up and down the beach. Now who do you think is doing more damage to the toheroa beds .... my thoughts are ban all vehicular access to these beaches for 2-3 years to see if toheroa numbers rise or not.

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