The Northland Age

Read this first


I have long thought general elections bring forth promises, slogans and rhetoric that is designed only to grab the attention of those so disillusio­ned that they blindly latch on to the politician/party that appears to be pushing their cause.

At the time of the last election the present government was put in place by those clever enough to realise the value of saying what many wanted to hear.

An article in the Age (June 26)

prompted me to put pen to paper. I urge every voter to read this article, ‘Why socialism is always doomed to fail’.

In a democracy one has the right to a change of mind, but it appears that there are those that will never admit to a wrong, for want of a better word.

News from the Acting Prime Minister, that houses should cost no more than $200,000 is just political nonsense. The reality is this statement is aimed at those blindly influenced by false hopes.

Let’s face facts. Despite the smiles and the perceived

sincerity, and although a few more dollars have landed in the pockets of the disillusio­ned, most of it has flown out at such a rate as to leave one breathless.

The above mentioned article describes why this is so.

My appeal to all voters at the next general election is to think carefully about what is not being said, and only then cast your vote, unblinkere­d.

BERYL CURREEN Address supplied-

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