The Northland Age

Wrong message


What a sad day for the Far North paua (Paua poacher jailed, June 21).

The taking and selling of paua, or any other shellfish or fish, is nothing other than theft from New Zealand citizens, for no other reason than to profit.

William Rini Wikitera, you and your likes are nothing other than scum, and I question why the receivers of poaching are not being convicted and have property forfeited to the Crown.

This illegal poaching is out of control, and a petty sentence of one year in prison, for a repeat offender, with around $12,000 worth of paua sends a message that it’s okay to poach, but don’t get caught, instead of ‘You are thieving from other New Zealand citizens, as a means to profit, and such activities shall not be tolerated by either the New Zealand citizens or the New Zealand government, along with those who profit from receiving’.

Surveillan­ce is a huge cost to the New Zealand taxpayer, money that should be going back into nature for its own protection.

I believe that William Rini Wikitera should have received five years in prison, and pay his imprisonme­nt costs, if we wish to send a message that generation­s to come will be deprived if the present theft continues.

Day after day we read and hear of the raping of nature, be it our wetlands, forests, lands, rivers or oceans and air, even our wildlife, for no other reason than to profit from such activities. Some call it progress, but I call it greed.

The Bible explains much of this world’s problems of human lust, desires, greed, power and control. There are no winners, as we are all born into the world the same and depart the very same, as we bring nothing into this world and take nothing out.

What a great world we would have if we all had love, respect and compassion, for each other and generation­s to come, instead of the selfish, greedy, unloving, uncompassi­onate world we have.


Diggers’ Valley

PS: Life is about choices and responsibi­lity for one’s own actions. You cannot blame others, as we all know right from wrong, unless born with, developed or incurred severe brain damage.

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