The Northland Age

Activists, industry decry animal abuse


Animal activists and the dairy industry were united last week in condemning the alleged abuse of dairy cows by a man identified as a Northland contract milker.

DairyNZ’s strategy leader, Dr Jenny Jago, said the wellbeing of animals was at the heart of every dairy farm.

“It is not okay to treat any animal poorly — ever — and the vast majority of farmers care deeply about their animals,” she said.

“This footage (released by animal advocacy group Farmwatch) is disturbing, and it has been reported that a complaint has been laid.

“This type of appalling behaviour is absolutely not representa­tive of the thousands of farmers that work with cows every day and are passionate about animal welfare.

“Cruel and illegal practices are not in any way condoned or accepted by the dairy sector as part of dairy farming. If a farmer treats their cows badly, they shouldn’t be working in the dairy sector. It’s as simple as that.”

Farmwatch confirmed last week that video footage showing cows repeatedly being struck with a variety of “weapons”, allegedly including a steel pipe, had been given to the Ministry for Primary Industries. The ministry had already investigat­ed claims that the milker had struck cows on the rump with a length of alkathene, but ceased its inquiry because of a lack of evidence.

Farmwatch spokesman John Darroch said the organisati­on had been gathering evidence since May. It had passed fresh evidence to the ministry on Thursday, asking it to undertake another investigat­ion.

Mr Darroch described footage showing cows being hit on the head and legs with farm tools and “weapons” as heartbreak­ing.

“You can see the animals scared and terrified to go into the milking shed. They visibly cower when the farmer is near,” Mr Darroch told the NZ Herald.

Marianne Macdonald (Save Animals From Exploitati­on) said farmed animals were clearly not safe when the MPI didn’t carry out an effective investigat­ion, even when brave whistleblo­wers risked themselves by making complaints.

“The system (that is) supposed to protect animal welfare is broken.”

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