The Northland Age

A full muster of O¯ruru gardeners


A warm day greeted a full muster of O¯ ruru Garden Club members for this month’s meeting, hosted by Pat and Vince Lendich.

President Margaret Foster offered a special welcome to a visitor, Mercia Barton, who once lived in the area and knew some of the members.

The decorative competitio­n was a variety of flowers in a container, which had to be up to seven inches tall and seven inches wide. Last month the judge had threatened to use her trusty tape measure, but every entry complied.

The other competitio­ns were well supported. Margaret thanked those responsibl­e, and urged them to keep up the good work.

The birthday girl was Rosalie Hills, who was pleased with her gift of covered coat hangers and a bag of soaps and other goodies.

Auctioneer Yvonne Anderson and her elf Pat had a variety of goods for members to negotiate for, including a lot of citrus fruit, some home-made jams, and a strange plant called Buddha’s fingers, which Margaret suspected would make quite a talking point, although it seemed to be a $2 bargain day.

The competitio­n, taken from the Department of Conservati­on website, was won by Tui Gardiner after a card draw was used to resolve a tie. Her reward was a photo frame, a ‘to do’ list pad and matching pen.

Margaret also collected a frame and note pad courtesy of winning the raffle (again).

The meeting was gatecrashe­d at one point by one of Pat’s chooks, the general theory being that it was checking to see if afternoon tea had been served, which it was, featuring Lynn Hill’s ginger jumble loaf and Armenian nutmeg cake, Rosalie Hills’ moist orange cake, and other contributi­ons from savories to crackers and dips. The lucky cup and mug were won by May Cross and Yvonne Anderson, each receiving towel and face cloth sets.

Lynn Hill will host the August meeting, decorative another challenge (Reflection­s), which must be standing on or in front of a mirror, roll call flowering bulbs.

Plans are also in hand for a visit to Kerikeri next month, for lunch at Redwoods.

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