The Northland Age

Short and sweet

- Continued from A6 Elliot Ikilei Dennis Fitzgerald Wally Hicks

Timaru Herald, Taranaki Herald, Auckland Star, The Dominion, Manawatu Standard. All newspapers either now owned by Stuff or closed down.

However, the carefully crafted articles generally avoid mentioning Stuff itself in a negative way, instead repeatedly using all the names above in the articles. Words such as “we” and “our” are placed liberally to give the impression that self-reflection is the main thrust, but again, the name Stuff itself is kept away from being among the ‘racist media’. In fact, I could only find one mention of Stuff in the negative, with a highly benign sentence stating: ”’Trouble stayed away from Waitangi today,’ Stuff opened its report in 2015.”

In one of the articles, astonishin­gly titled ‘Stuff’s brave new era,’ CEO Sinead Boucher denies that the collection of articles is about being woke or PC. There will be elements of that, of course, however I agree with her: I think what Stuff has done is far worse.

In proclaimin­g their virtue, Stuff have been very careful in linking racism to other publicatio­ns, not Stuff. This is clever, as Stuff can then be seen as ‘leading the charge,’ while at the same time not really being guilty of what they have charged others for (whether owned by Stuff or closed).

As far as I amconcerne­d, this is about money, a carefully constructe­d giant ad to make you feel nice about the media company called Stuff, who are using Ma¯ori and the term ‘racism’ as a marketing tool to increase market share.

And I find that despicable, both as a conservati­ve who believes in equality, and a proud member of Te

tiawa, Nga¯ti Raukawa, who has fought for decades against the victim mentality that plagues many of our people today.

I end with the words of the CEO who bought the company, and has been working hard with alternate marketing decisions to make more profit: “Wereally have had an enormous impact in shaping public thought in New Zealand and societal norms, not just reflecting them, and I think it is only fitting that a progressiv­e company can pause and have a look at itself.” - Sinead Boucher, Stuff’s brave new era.

Stuff’s investigat­ion, Our Truth, is anything but the real truth, and has only reinforced myobservat­ion that, in general, the true racists of today are those who have covered themselves in a self-proclaimed glory of anti-racism, while spreading and embedding their racism deep into our society.


Recently there have been a number of reviews of Barack Obama’s memoir, APromised Land, and without exception they were all glowing reports about the book and the author. The collection of material concerning some of his time in the Whitehouse should be interestin­g.

There has also been some discussion online about a Trump presidency memoir, although it may be too early to consider this, as he is hoping to be there for another four years even though that would seem to be a fading dream now. As Trump uses Twitter as his main form of communicat­ion, the memoir would be rather brief.

His memoir can actually be written in under 280 characters, and even under the original limit of 140 characters: “Veni. Vidi. Vici. Ipsi circumveni­t”, which translates to, I came. I saw. I conquered. They cheated.” This tweet also allows a reader to devote the amount of time the memoir would deserve.

Melbourne beyond-descriptio­n completely ignored (Terra Nullius) around ninetenths of the population when it was written, Native American peoples, African, slaves and indentured servants.

The White Man’s narrative constructe­d around ‘America’ greatly distorts our general and particular view of the US Constituti­on, which is really a Colonial Occupiers and Settlers Declarativ­e Constituti­on - a ‘plant the flag’ - and little more. A machinatio­n of the dominant culture, in a false game where it’s assumed there must be one.

Weinterpre­t and reinterpre­t.

That’s what humans do. That’s how weevolve. Howwe change for the better.

We’re witnessing the dominant culture being flooded, bathed and laved, sometimes confrontat­ionally, sometimes not, like our seashore encroached upon by climate change.

It’s not that there is no alternativ­e - TINA - we’ve “been there, done that” under Reagan, Thatcher and Rogered Douglas - but TINGB - there is no going back. That’s what Righties need to accept above all else IMHO.


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