The Post

Cycling funding has wide benefits


Investing in cycling is a gift for all Wellington­ians, not just those who ride bikes (Wellington cyclists get $101m gift, September 10).

It’s a gift to motorists and bus passengers, who will enjoy less congestion in their commutes.

It’s a gift to businesses, whose customers will have more money to spend. And cycling employees have less time off sick. It’s a gift to taxpayers who will pay less public health-care costs.

It’s a gift to everyone who wants cleaner air and water, and a stable climate. It’s a gift to our kids, who love to ride their bikes.

That’s why the Government is picking up two-thirds of the costs. They know investing in cycling makes sense. PATRICK MORGAN


All of us have to face reality: our Government knows most of us don’t care about that 11 per cent target or Pacific islands becoming inundated.

That 11 per cent target will be ignored and soon forgotten. Our Government is not influenced by what is right, it is only influenced by the polls. If we value our future, we voters must become more involved. NORMAN WILKINS

Petone four unnecessar­y personal remarks directed at Don Mathieson.

He is ridiculed for being a conservati­ve Christian, for being an advocate for evangelisa­tion, for opposing gay marriage and homosexual­ity, and being a misfit for having certain strong moral views.

Most self-respecting Christians would be supportive of such positions. So should we put aside the moralising editorials The Dominion Post itself has produced over the years – many of which may have been well enough argued and possibly necessary at the time?

Christians have now become accustomed to the almost compulsory insults which come via the media.

As to the matter of the banned work, I have not read the book, nor any of Ted Dawe’s works. These days it is possible to ‘‘almost read’’ many books by closely following the reviews, quotes and comments.

By all accounts, this book would seem to well and truly cross the line into outright pornograph­y. EAMON SLOAN Elsdon [abridged]

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