The Post

Delisting a concern


The Architectu­ral Centre’s determinat­ion to appeal the Wellington City Council’s decision to delist the Gordon Wilson Flats’ heritage status is welcome news.

If the delisting is allowed to stand then it opens up a dangerous precedent that could easily see other important heritage buildings in the city delisted and ultimately demolished.

Further, it will enable the presentati­on of evidence, lamentably given no weight by the council, which argued the building has very high architectu­ral and social significan­ce.

It might also generate discussion about a new use for the building that could also include Victoria University’s desired ‘gateway’. Interestin­gly, Auckland University recently purchased the Symonds St block of state flats (opened in 1947) for postgradua­te accommodat­ion.

I understand the Gordon Wilson Flats could be converted in a similar way.

The building might look like an ugly duckling and only good for demolition now, but the same thing was said during the 1980s about Victoria University’s Hunter Building. It is now a jewel in the university’s crown. Dr BEN SCHRADER Northland

‘‘Voters would be right to question the judgment of a candidate who has shown so much admiration for such a dangerous adversary.’’ The New York Times on the Putin-Trump admiration society.

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