The Post



I’ve just come from David Jones. Lock up your daughters. Lock up your wives. A pig-skin wallet won’t escape alive. AL GUSTAFSON, Newtown I’m sure Putin will be happy to oblige Donald Trump’s request for him to hack and disclose ‘‘Crooked Hillary’s’’ email account, paving the way for the US voters to elect their first clown as president.

MIKE JARVIS, Woodridge The Government’s goal of ridding the country of all possums, rats and mustelids, while desirable, is a very tall order. Apart from the sheer difficulty and cost of acieving this goal, they should recall how the Norwegian rat came here in the first place and that ships still tie up to our wharves and anchor in our bays. Obstacles on mooring lines are not enough to stop rats – they can swim! RAY RICHARDS, Trentham It seems almost daily that we are subjected to hear of researcher’s findings.I guess they have a job to do but a majority of these will never be proven to be right or wrong.

GARY HEDGES, Avalon I’m pleased with the idea of eradicatin­g pests but wonder about the side effects. Once other predators are removed, mice can hit plague proportion­s and are much harder to get rid of. Harrier hawks will be bereft without road kill possums to feast on.

NICK RYAN, Wilton The idea of a ‘pest-free’ New Zealand may well have merit. Might I ask, would the schedule of pests include Celia Wade-Brown and the other loopy green members of her Council? If so, I think the idea should be advanced – with haste.

ALISTAIR GRIFFITHS, Thorndon Congratula­tions to our Hurricanes. Triple B (Brilliant Beauden Barrett) is so skilled, he’s the best number 10 in the world and wish him and the team the vbest against the Lions.

GARY STEWART, Foxton Beach

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